Venous insufficiency in summer: the right gestures for the patients

Summer is here, with its higher temperatures, which are certainly welcome, although they often increase vascular symptoms, such as heavy legs and edemas.
How to better take the patients in charge at the practice?
What to advise them in case of temporary interruption of their sessions?
It is very common to receive patients who dread the arrival of the warm weather. Indeed, even in the case of moderate symptoms, the heat makes the use of compression stocking more difficult and has a definite impact on the quality of life: swollen ankles, pain, tingling…
How to manage venous insufficiency?
The best care is based on 3 axes:
- Hygienic and dietary advice
- Manual drainage
- Pressotherapy sessions
Pressotherapy, often unknown to patients, has a beneficial effect on heavy legs and vascular edemas. It generates a powerful mobilization which boosts circulation and drains edemas. It thus potentiates the effect of manual lymphatic drainage by the physiotherapist and the wearing of compression garments.
What advice to give to patients when they go on vacation or when the practice is closed?
During this summer period, we would like to provide healthcare professionals with a guide to the right gestures to pass on to their patients suffering from venous insufficiency, in order to enable them to better manage their pathology on a daily basis outside of their usual sessions.
These habits and gestures can be reinforced by the use of an individual pressotherapy device with massage boots, while waiting to visit their practitioner.
To spend a more serene summer.