“For patients with lower extremity lymphoedema, advanced pneumatic compression device treatment can reduce limb volume, improve pain, and enhance ability to complete activities of daily living.”
Muluk S. I European Society for Vascular Surgery 2013
Percent change in limb volume (LV) from baseline
Frequency at which lymphoedema affects activities of daily living
88% of patients with lymphœdema volume decrease and 35% with a decrease superior to 10%
Significant reduction of the impact of lymphœdema on patients’ quality of life
« The application of Intermittent Compression Therapy (IPC) with manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) provides a synergistic enhancement of the effect of decongestive therapy (DLT) in arm volume reduction of breast carcinoma-associated lymphœdema.»
Effect of adjunctive, intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) on decongestive lymphatic therapy (DLT) in patients with breast carcinoma-associated lymphedema
Andrzej Szuba et al / 2002 ; American Cancer Society
Szolnoky G. | Lymphology 2009; 42:188-194
Publications complémentaires
- Validations du traitement des lymphoedèmes. Ferrandez: Kinésithér Scient 2018;600:27-32
- Lymphoedema Framework. Best Practice for the Management of Lymphoedema. International Consensus. London: MEP Ltd, 2006
- Effect of pneumatic compression therapy on lymph movement in lymphedema-affected extremities, as assessed by near-infrared fluorescence lymphatic imaging. Aldrich MB: Innov Opt Health Sci. 2017 March ; 10(2)
- Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Enhances Formation of Edema Tissue Fluid Channels in Lymphedema of Lower Limbs. Zaleska M: LYMPHATIC RESEARCH AND BIOLOGY 2015 13-2
- The Dutch lymphedema guidelines. J Vasc Surg Venous and Lym Dis 2017;5:756-65
“ IPC should be used in severe chronic venous insufficiency (stages C4b to C6) and in extremity lymphedema as an add-on therapy . IPC can be used in post-traumatic edema, therapy-resistant venous edema and lipedema. “
German Society of Phlebology
“Intermittent Pneumatic Compression is recommended to provide symptomatic relief in patients with chronic venous disease (C3-C6) if standard methods are not indicated or if they have failed.“
“Intermittent Pneumatic Compression should be considered in patients with venous ulcers after a 6 month of treatment course when standard methods have failed.”
European Society for Vascular Surgery Guidelines 2015
Publications complémentaires
- Comment utiliser la pressothérapie pneumatique dans les affections veineuses ? Theys : Kinésithér Scient 2011;525:5-7
- Clinical Practice Guidelines of the European Society for Vascular Surgery. Wittens : Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg (2015) 49, 678-737
Pressotherapy and sport recovery
“The drainage generated by Pressotherapy device enhances the recovery phase after several hours of intense effort. ”
Validation impédancemétrique des soins de pressothérapie chez une équipe de cyclistes après effort“ – Alexandre Durand et Valérie Durand ; Kinésithér Scient 2011;525:11-13